| the winds of winter cold winds are rising
LIVRE DE LA CONNAISSANCE ‘‘L’hiver glisse dans les chambres glacées que calfeutrent les châles de laine, dehors le vent froid et piquant du Nord. Les murs du Donjon Rouge se couvrent de blancs frimas. Blanche la rosée devenue glace sur les bancs abandonnés et les vents ferment le port où personne ne navigue plus désormais. Les danseuses Myriennes ne dansent plus dans la grande salle abandonnée. Aucun brasero ne peut empêcher la respiration de se condenser en nuages de brume. Le dragon continue sa danse sanglante de feu et de sang. Les simples hommes, désormais se taisent et la neige ne cesse de tomber.’’La main est morte lui avait-on dit hier matin. La main est morte dans son sommeil en conclut-il. Rien n’est moins sûr. Aucun mestre ne fut autorisé à approcher le corps. Ordre du roi. Ce même roi restait assit, silencieux, les flammes du bûcher brillant dans ses yeux violets. A sa droite sa nouvelle main. Un Lannister. Et pas n’importe lequel songea le vieux mestre. Et à la gauche son cousin et conseiller depuis peu, Daeron. Intrigant jeune homme tout juste revenu de Peyredragon. Si seulement il n’y avait qu’eux deux. Personne à la cour n’ignorait les raids des fer-nés de plus en plus nombreux et leur seigneur n’avait pas hésité à tuer le lord Mallister et brandir sa tête du haut de son boutre. L’impertinence de Dorne face à son suzerain qui lui a envoyé une femme pour siéger au conseil restreint au lieu du prince. Mais aussi le réveil du Val et du Nord. Ils n’oublient pas. Comment pourraient-ils oublier.
Et avec l’approche du printemps les vieilles douleurs de l’hiver se réveillent.
Et cette fois-ci les bûchers ne seront pas assez nombreux. |
A D M I N I S T R A T I O N | Derniers Messages |
| MANUSCRITS DES MESTRES ✣ Il existe quelques règles à respecter dans les sept couronnes et c'est ici que se trouvent les parchemins qui peuvent vous aider à mieux appréhender le monde de Westeros. Vous trouverez également le très ancien registre des grandes familles des sept couronnes, le manuscrit de la magie ou encore l'historique du continent. Et si vous ne trouvez pas votre bonheur dans les quelques parchemins à votre disposition, n'hésitez pas à envoyer une missive à un administrateur ou encore poser votre question sur la place publique. Et n'oubliez pas, le roi et son conseil veillent à ce que la loi soit toujours respectée. LA GRANDE BIBLIOTHEQUE, LES AIDES AU VOYAGEUR | 9 corbeaux › 21 parchemins ∆ CONTEXTE Lun 28 Jan - 19:00 Trône de Fer
| | INTRIGUES ET ABSENCES ✣ Vous devez vous absenter pour aller conquérir un autre royaume ? Ou alors vous voulez vous renseigner sur les événements qui agitent Westeros ? C'est ici que nous vous informerons de ce qu'il se passe actuellement sur le forum mais aussi ce qui s'est passé dans les intrigues précédentes souvent sous la forme de résumé. C'est aussi ici que se trouverons les sondages et les inscriptions pour les intrigues. Et c'est aussi ici que vous nous informerez de vos absences. Chose importante si vous ne voulez pas qu'on glisse votre nom avec ceux des inactifs. LES INTRIGUES, VOS ABSENCES | 0 corbeaux › 0 parchemins
| | LES QUESTIONS A LA MAIN ✣ L'intégration et la compréhension d'un monde aussi vaste que celui-ci n'est jamais simple. Et nul doute que vous aurez quelques questions à poser. Que se soit sur un poste-vacant, un scénario ou votre propre personnage n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part. L'équipe administrative et les membres se feront un plaisir de vous répondre. Et si vous ne trouvez pas l'avatar parfait pour votre personnage ou alors un lien que vous jugez primordial c'est toujours dans cette catégorie que les membres vous aideront. Car c'est toujours plus simple de s'inscrire avec déjà quelques liens en poche parfois. VOS QUESTIONS, DEMANDES EN TOUT GENRE | 0 corbeaux › 0 parchemins
C A R A C T É R I S A T I O N | Derniers Messages |
| LES HÉROS DES SEPT COURONNES ✣ Vous voulez vous inscrire mais hélas vous n'avez pas d'idée foudroyante ou alors vous rêvez d'incarner un suzerain ou une lady suzeraine. C'est dans cette section que vous trouverez sans doute votre bonheur. On y trouve les poste-vacants des grandes famille de Westeros mais aussi les scénarios de nos chers membres. Dans ces deux sections vous trouverez des liens déjà définis et une histoire établie. N'hésitez pas à y jeter un coup d’œil. Vous rendrez quelques membres très heureux à coup sûr. LES SCÉNARIOS | | | | 0 corbeaux › 0 parchemins
| | She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself. LIENS, TOPICS, JOURNAUX INTIMES, LES APTITUDES, LE MARCHÉ | 0 corbeaux › 0 parchemins
W E S T E R O S | Derniers Messages |
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| | WINTER IS COMING ~ Le nord est la plus vaste des neuf régions qui composent Westeros. Mais paradoxalement elle n'est pas la plus peuplée. Cette région est soumise à un climat très rude et à des intempéries réguliers ce qui en fait une région peu hospitalière. Cependant cette région possède un territoire varié, la grande forêt de conifères du Bois du Loup au nord ou encore les Landes glacées au centre de la région sont de parfaits exemples des différents paysages visibles dans le Nord. A l’extrême nord la très ancienne garde de nuit veille encore du haut de son mur millénaire. Et à l’extrême sud, le neck et ses marécages forment une barrière naturelle avec le reste du royaume. Il n'y a pas de grandes villes dans le nord, la seule ville notable serait Blancport, la seule ville commerciale de la région. Le nord est depuis toujours dirigé par les Stark de Winterfell anciennement rois du nord. WINTERFELL, FORT-TERREUR, BLANCPORT, LE BOIS-AUX-LOUPS, LA ROUTE ROYALE, LE MUR | 0 corbeaux › 0 parchemins
| | FAMILY, DUTY, HONOR ~ She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself. She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself.
| | She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself. She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself.
| | She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself. She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself.
PYKE, DIX-TOURS, LORDSPORT, PEBBLETON | 0 corbeaux › 0 parchemins
| | She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself. She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself.
| | She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself. She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself.
| | She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself. She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself.
| | She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself. She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself.
| | She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself. She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself.
H O R S - J E U | Derniers Messages |
| She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself. LES JEUX DE TABLE, LES ARTISTES | 0 corbeaux › 0 parchemins
| | She swears on and in their names to love and cherish her lord husband for ever and for what would come after. Willos Tyrell id taller than her, older too. They are standing in front of each other in the sept of Highgarden, the golden rose of Tyrell everywhere; in her hair, embroidered on her corset, falling like a river trough her veil and train. It was almost as long as the aisle, of a bright silver like the gown itself. Sansa knows she looks like a queen, maybe even more beautiful than Cersei herself. PARTENAIRES | 0 corbeaux › 0 parchemins
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| Aucun membre ne fête son anniversaire aujourd'hui Aucun membre ne fête son anniversaire dans les 7 prochains jours | Légende : [ LE DONJON ROUGE ][ WINTERFELL ][ VIVESAIGUES ][ LES EYRIÉ ][ CASTRAL ROC ][ HAUTJARDIN ][ ACCALMIE ][ LANCEHÉLION ][ PYK ] |
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